Director Harish Shankar, known for his impressive foray into Bollywood, is now busy promoting his next film 'Mr. Bachchan'. The film is produced as a Hindi remake of the hit Telugu film 'Raid'. The makers of the film are currently excited with the positive buzz and hope that the film will give a new direction to the careers of both Ravi Teja and Harish Shankar.
One of the excellent commercial directors of Telugu cinema, Harish Shankar's previous films have not brought the expected success, and 'Mr. Bachchan' is raising hopes of his comeback. However, despite facing criticism of the remake, Harish has faced this challenge with confidence. He has made several changes in the script to make the film more native, so that the audience can get a new experience.
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Harish Shankar currently has two major projects. One of them is 'Ustad Bhagat Singh' starring Pawan Kalyan in the lead, and the other is a new film with Ram Pothineni. The shooting of 'UBS' has already begun and the team is gearing up to shoot for Pawan Kalyan's film.
The film 'Mr. Bachchan' is releasing in theatres on August 15. If this film is a hit, then Harish's other projects will also get a new energy. On the contrary, if the film does not give the expected results, then Harish may have to rethink his projects and delay the thinking about new projects.
Harish Shankar's next big success may open up with 'Mr. Bachchan', and the curiosity among the audience has increased even before the release of the film.