In Day Shift Jamie Foxx plays Bud, a hard-working father who wants to give his daughter a good life and whose official job as a pool cleaner in the San Fernando Valley is just a front for his real income: hunting and killing vampires as a Member of an international association of vampire hunters.
Day Shift Movie Review - It started with a widower whose dog was murdered. This not only gave rise to the John Wick series, which will present its fourth chapter next year, but it also paved the way for experienced stuntmen who are now taking a seat in the director's chair themselves. Leading the charge are Chad Stahelski and David Leitch, whose Bullet Train recently hit theaters. This wild bunch of stunt pros also includes J.J. Perry, whose directorial debut Day Shift has found an exclusive home on Netflix, and whose last action film The Gray Man, despite a prominent cast, was not the big hit that many had hoped or desired. And to be clear neither is Day Shift. But one after another.
Even if John Wick and Day Shift don't really have anything in common at first glance, you can tell that the makers of the films know each other well. Both productions are interested in two things: world-building and action. Just like the unerring dog lover/professional killer, J.J. Perry expended a lot of energy to explain how the rules are in this world, in which there are not only a vampire hunters' union but also various subspecies of bloodsuckers. Of course, after three films, the world of the assassin is more detailed than that of Day Shift. Even so, Netflix's latest content blobs have nice touches when it comes to bringing its portrayed world to life.
But Day Shift really comes into its own when it comes to the action. Thanks to the location in the fantastic, this can draw on the full. Just imagine John Wick meeting John Carpenter's Vampires on Speed and the demon-possessed Reagan from The Exorcist who took ecstasy. Then you have a rough idea of what the makers are letting loose on you. The action proves to be playful, amusing, gory, excessive, over the top in most areas and most of all, really damn well done. Fans of down-to-earth skirmishes, this movie is absolutely not for you. But if you've always wanted to see how rapper Snoop Dogg fires a mini-gun with a blunt in his mouth or how hero Bud frees a house from vampires together with martial artist Scott Adkins, you'll have a good time here more than once.
And now comes this ugly point again. So far, everything has sounded satisfactory to very good. Unfortunately, Day Shift isn't all action. There's one more plot. It's marginal and not really the problem. The problem is that characters appear within this plot that is supposed to cheer up and vitalize the events. Above all, Dave Franco as a stiff bureaucrat and beginner vampire hunter Seth stands out negatively. As soon as he is integrated into the story, it collapses. His role is a big, negative sticking point. While Day Shift was not averse to incorporating humor until then, the film suddenly degenerated into a rather third-rate slapstick show with an annoying buddy movie component.
Seth is simply not good for Day Shift. It would be unfair to blame only Dave Franco for this. The script by Army of the Dead author Shay Hatten and Tyler Tice also bears a large share of the blame. As said, it's perfectly fine that there's an attempt to create something lighthearted here, but the focus too often placed on the tedious non-dynamics between Seth and Bud causes Day Shift to stumble unnecessarily. The fact that the villains in the film are interchangeable and that the finale, especially in comparison to the action scenes before it, isn't that convincing anymore, unfortunately, doesn't help that much either.
"Day Shift" in one word: Regrettably. If it were just about the action, the Netflix production would probably be the film of the summer of 2022. Unfortunately, however, a tense attempt is being made to extract a buddy movie from it and, unfortunately, with characters who do not develop any good dynamics, so unfortunately they are more annoying than everything else. So "Day Shift" stands in its own way. Nonetheless, the action is great fun!